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Best Way to Find Your Navy Recruiter

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Did you know that in 1775, there were only 560 enlisted in the Navy? Fast forward to 2010 and there were over 268,000 enlisted.

Pretty big jump over the last 250 years, right!?

If you have been considering joining the Navy, your first step is to find a Navy recruiter. This is the best way to go about Navy recruitment.

Interested to learn more about how to find a Navy recruiter? Keep reading this guide for some of the top ways to go through a search!

Visit the Official Navy Website

The United States Navy has an official website where you can find a Navy recruiter in your area.

To do this, you can simply visit the “Recruiting” section of the website and use the “Find a Recruiter” tool to locate a recruiter. You can base this on your location, name, or zip code in order to find one closest to you.

Get Ahold of the Navy Recruiting Command

You can call the Navy Recruiting Command’s toll-free number at 1-800-USA-NAVY. When you do this, ask to be connected with a recruiter in your area. T

The recruiting command can provide you with the contact information of a recruiter near you. From there, you can learn more about how to join the Navy!

Visit a Navy Recruiting Station

You can also visit a Navy recruiting station near you and speak to a recruiter in person. This will give you a good vibe about who you are talking to and what you can expect during the process.

To find a recruiting station, visit the Navy’s official website and use the “Find a Recruiter” tool, or search online for “Navy recruiter near me” or “Navy recruiting station near me.”

Ask for Referrals

If you know someone who has recently joined the Navy, you can easily ask them who they worked with as a recruiter. You can get their name and number to also get in contact.

This can be a great way to find a recruiter who has a positive reputation and is knowledgeable about the recruitment process! You know you can trust the person you know, so this is one of the best ways to get started!

Attend a Navy Event

The Navy often hosts events and activities! These events are designed to provide information and answer questions that you may have about the Navy. This can be a great way to meet a Navy recruiter and learn more about what it takes to join the Navy.

Finding a Navy Recruiter

If you are interested in finding a Navy recruiter, we can help you do so. Whether you ask for referrals, attend an event, or visit the official website, we hope that you’ll be able to find a recruiter that is right for you.

Ready to learn more about finding the nearest Navy recruiter? You can check out one of our latest posts with more information about the topic. Good luck!
